Welcome to Franklin Ferguson Mediations! We're eager to lead you on your mediation journey, providing positivity and reliable support at every step!
WE ARE DEBT MEDIATORSDebt mediation is exactly what it sounds like; an attempt at mediating, or settling debt. When you have been unable to pay what you owe for an extended period, you find yourself in a pretty difficult situation. Debt mediation, sometimes called debt arbitration, allows you and your creditors to come to an agreed-upon arrangement that benefits both parties. How Does Debt Mediation Work? The debt mediation process begins when your debt owed reaches about 90-180 days with no payments. In these instances, your creditor can give your case to a debt collection agency. If a debt collector takes up a case, they will proceed to harass you until you pay your debt. If the debt remains unpaid, you may receive a summons to court. This debt relief solution is a favorable option for both parties because no one wants to go to court. Even creditors would rather not go to court because it is time-consuming and expensive to take the debt to those lengths. However, after failing to pay for so many years, they often choose to go to court to have the judge force payment by seizing assets. Most creditors would greatly prefer debt mediation to going to court, and would therefore be likely to agree to begin the mediation process. Some creditors might even suggest professional debt mediation before taking the case to court. This can also serve as a good option for military or veteran debt relief.Debt Mediators Can Stop Harassment From Creditors Another benefit of working with a debt mediation company is that they can put an end to harassing and intimidating communications from the creditors. If you’ve received overwhelming calls or letters from creditors, a debt mediator will be able to negotiate with the creditors to get the communications to stop. When you enter into debt meditation, you are showing your creditors that you are willing to work with them and settle your debt. This is often the sign they need to cease their harassing communications.Reduce Your Stress With Debt Mediator Solutions Having a lot of debt is stressful. When that debt is sent to creditors who might be taking you to court, that stress is magnified exponentially. It can be hard to focus on anything else when you have creditors, debts, and penalties looming over you. With debt mediation, you can reduce, or even eliminate, the stress associated with being in debt. Having someone on your side, fighting for the best-case scenario, tends to make things seem more doable.Working with a debt mediation company will help you breathe again as they negotiate on your behalf and help you gain a path toward settlement.